Meniscus have just released a version of its core Calculation Engine (MCE) that incorporates a set of RESTful Web Services that will allow users to download data directly from the Meniscus servers into their own applications and dashboards. 14:33:572017-05-30 19:58:57New RESTful Web Services API for the Meniscus Calculation Engine
Meniscus is launching a new real time Analytics Platform (MAP) for smart management of Big Data. Targeted principally at the Water and Energy sectors, MAP lets users turn near real time data from hundreds of thousands of sensors and meters into the calculated metrics to measure, understand and display the performance of assets and networks. 14:13:072015-12-01 11:07:03New Analytics Platform for smart management of Big Data
Aggregation is the process of performing a simple data-reduction function over a section of time.The section of time is from the current pre-processed Data Point time (inclusive) to the last pre-processed Data Point time (exclusive). 10:00:472015-12-01 11:08:03Overview of Aggregation Period and Aggregation Function
This White Paper sets out a methodology for using the Meniscus Calculation Engine (MCE) as a bottom up process centric Energy Monitoring and Targeting based application for use in the Water Industry. 10:00:062015-12-01 11:08:54Process Based Energy Management for the Water Industry
MCE supports a number of different Item Types. Each Item Type is designed to simplify the processing of the most common types of raw data that are found in general everyday use. MCE process each type of data slightly differently and this article sets outs the differences. 10:00:062015-12-01 11:09:44Overview of Item Types for entering raw data into MCE
We are pleased to announce that we have created some new widgets that will allow users to display graphs in any browser and on any platform including Apple and Android devices. 14:13:342016-01-15 18:17:44New Widget graphs for mobiles, tablets and PCs
An Item owns a number of DataItems (called Item DataItems) related to the processing of Item Type data. The input is either raw meter data imported into storage, or data from any of the stages of processing other Items.
Pleased to announce that we have released a re-purposed version of the Current Cost Bridge that sends data from the Current Cost Envi unit directly to the Meniscus servers making it much easier to use our Real Time Energy Management Dashboard.
New RESTful Web Services API for the Meniscus Calculation Engine
Meniscus have just released a version of its core Calculation Engine (MCE) that incorporates a set of RESTful Web Services that will allow users to download data directly from the Meniscus servers into their own applications and dashboards.
New Analytics Platform for smart management of Big Data
Meniscus is launching a new real time Analytics Platform (MAP) for smart management of Big Data. Targeted principally at the Water and Energy sectors, MAP lets users turn near real time data from hundreds of thousands of sensors and meters into the calculated metrics to measure, understand and display the performance of assets and networks.
Overview of Aggregation Period and Aggregation Function
Aggregation is the process of performing a simple data-reduction function over a section of time.The section of time is from the current pre-processed Data Point time (inclusive) to the last pre-processed Data Point time (exclusive).
Process Based Energy Management for the Water Industry
This White Paper sets out a methodology for using the Meniscus Calculation Engine (MCE) as a bottom up process centric Energy Monitoring and Targeting based application for use in the Water Industry.
Overview of Item Types for entering raw data into MCE
MCE supports a number of different Item Types. Each Item Type is designed to simplify the processing of the most common types of raw data that are found in general everyday use. MCE process each type of data slightly differently and this article sets outs the differences.
New Widget graphs for mobiles, tablets and PCs
We are pleased to announce that we have created some new widgets that will allow users to display graphs in any browser and on any platform including Apple and Android devices.
MAP Items and DataItems
An Item owns a number of DataItems (called Item DataItems) related to the processing of Item Type data. The input is either raw meter data imported into storage, or data from any of the stages of processing other Items.
Re-Purposed Current Cost Bridge
Pleased to announce that we have released a re-purposed version of the Current Cost Bridge that sends data from the Current Cost Envi unit directly to the Meniscus servers making it much easier to use our Real Time Energy Management Dashboard.